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E-Class Tag

In the new E-Class and S-Class from spring 2009

By introducing around a dozen new or modified systems, Mercedes-Benz is adding a new chapter to its long history of passenger- car safety. Following on from their successes achieved in the domain of occupant protection, the Mercedes experts will be focussing more than ever on avoiding traffic accidents and reducing accident severity, with the driver assistance systems being unveiled in the new E-Class and the model year 2009 S-Class from spring 2009 onwards set to play a crucial role. Mercedes-B

Latest J.D. Power Quality Study from the U.S.: Mercedes-Benz receives three awards for best product quality

Mercedes-Benz is one of the most successful auto brands in this year’s customer survey conducted by U.S. market research institute J.D. Power. The Stuttgart car brand receives two gold awards for the highest vehicle quality in their respective market segments, and is also honoured for the world’s best production plant. This outstanding result is one outcome of the initiative launched by Mercedes-Benz to raise customer satisfaction and product quality. In conducting the annual study, market